Individual Life Insurance
Life insurance can assist you in safeguarding your family’s financial future by providing the funds they need to cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts and even your mortgage, while also maintaining their standard of living.
There are a variety of life insurance policies available based upon your needs.
Whole Life Insurance
Whole Life Insurance offers permanent protection for the whole of life. That is, from the date of policy issue to the date of the insured’s death, so long as premiums are paid. Premiums are set at the time of policy issue and remain level for the policy’s life. Whole life combines insurance protection and savings which builds over time. Savings build-up could help pay off a mortgage or other expenses.
Universal Life Insurance
Universal Life is known for its great flexibility. Policyholders are able to determine the amount and frequency of premium payments. Premiums cover the insurance portion, the savings portion and the expense portion. The specified interest on the investment portion changes along with movement in interest rates.
Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance is a low-cost way to give your family the maximum amount of coverage. Coverage under a term life policy is limited to a specific number of year, usually between 5 and 20 years. If the insured party lives beyond that time period, the policy expires without value.
Term insurance premiums will not increase during the term you choose. Term insurance typically delivers the most insurance protection for your money.
Contact us for a free, comparative quote from a range of carriers, and see how much money we can save you on life insurance.