The Surprising Business Risks You May Not Think About
Posted on Jul 15, 2019Risk control consultants are the preventative care professionals of business insurance. They can help you detect potential hazards to your business’s well-being and help you understand what actions you can take to keep things healthy.
Good news: Qualifying customers who have business insurance with ERIE have access to customized risk control services. That’s just one more way we’re looking out for you.
Learn more: How an ERIE Risk Control Consultant Can Help You
Bob Kupris, a commercial insurance veteran with more than 30 years in risk control, leads ERIE’s team of risk control consultants. We asked him for an insider’s perspective on what consultants look for – and the surprising things they find.
To get things started, let your ERIE agent know that you’re interested in focusing on risk control for your business. ERIE’s professional consultants can offer many resources to help, including a walk-through for businesses who qualify. . They’re looking for ways for you to mitigate risks by identifying potential loss exposures and providing information on solutions to control and/or eliminate them.
ERIE’s consultants have specialized areas of knowledge –property, commercial auto, workers’ compensation, products liability and construction/contracting – to better meet customers’ needs.
Their keen eyes are quick to spot things you might expect, such as fire protection. However, there are a few less obvious risks Kupris says are equally as common and – in some cases – on the rise.
You know the ins and outs of your business better than anyone. So, what might a risk control consultant be able to see that you might not?
Here are a few surprising trends risk control has noticed:
- Lack of commitment from management. Maintaining a hazard-free workplace is the law, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. What’s more, it’s more likely to happen if owners and managers make it a priority. A recent OSHA study found that non-fatal workplace injuries cost businesses more than $125 billion a year.With that in mind, Kupris says the first thing he notices is management controls to determine the commitment to workplace safety. “It’s one of the most important things we look at,” he said. “Companies that have management support tend to have better safety records and also tend to be more productive.”
- Data breaches caused by your company. According to the Insurance Information Institute, credit card fraud and employment-related fraud are two of the top five ways consumers fall victim to identify theft. It’s the area of risk Kupris says he’s seen grow the fastest. Having iron-clad cyber security safeguards against hacks and the right coverage is the best way to prevent your company from experiencing, or potentially causing, a data breach.Related Reading: Is Your Business Data Secure?
- Employees distracted behind the wheel. In ERIE’s 2018 distracted driving study, it was discovered that in fatal car accidents caused by distracted drivers, 61 percent were generally inattentive. Kupris says drivers of commercial vehicles are no exception to this scary statistic and he’s seen a spike in commercial auto claims, which can affect your insurance rates and everyone’s safety. Does your business employ a no cell phone policy for your drivers?If your drivers have to use GPS, is it hands-free?
Providing preventative plans to these risks and more is where ERIE’s risk control consultants shine. Here are some examples of the most unique support in the industry they provide to commercial customers, at no additional fee:
- All the tools in their toolbox. For qualifying ERIE customers,consultants offer a wide range of risk control services, including OSHA Outreach Training Programs, customized written safety programs and disaster planning resources fromThe Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.
- Support that isn’t just for the big guys. ERIE offers follow-up consultations to help businesses, regardless of whether they’re the biggest fish in the pond. “Many insurance companies won’t go out on something small,” Kupris said. “But at ERIE, we don’t operate that way.” If you want follow-up assessments or training for your business, ask your agent how ERIE can help.
- A close working relationship with your ERIE agent. “It’s really a joint effort,” Kupris said. “ERIE agents really take a genuine interest in their customers and our team of consultants. That’s something you don’t always see at other places.”
Schedule your risk assessment today. Contact your local ERIE agent to get started.